What a meaningful way to mark Olga's passing....I did not meet her personally, but i very much would have like to...Her passing fills even those like me who never met her, with grief and I can only imagine how it affects those who had seen the bright and joyful face in person...Her memory is already a blessing, may it be always a blessing...as the other's mentioned, its through tears that i am writing to you. Thank you and Shabbat Shalom where i am for a few more hours...
What a meaningful way to mark Olga's passing....I did not meet her personally, but i very much would have like to...Her passing fills even those like me who never met her, with grief and I can only imagine how it affects those who had seen the bright and joyful face in person...Her memory is already a blessing, may it be always a blessing...as the other's mentioned, its through tears that i am writing to you. Thank you and Shabbat Shalom where i am for a few more hours...
Such a beautiful Dvar in honor of a stunning woman. May her memory be a blessing.
What a beautiful connection. I’m trying to read it through the stinging tears.