They are apologists for Islam. To admit that Islam is the problem, they would have to also admit that most of Africa’s current problems stem from their current embrace of Islam. There would be no Ethiopian Jews in Israel if Islamic African countries were on the right side of humanity’s fight against a devastatingly destructive ideology.

Black leaders like Dumisani will be part of the solution, and we are grateful for it! #IStandWithIsrael

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Thank you for your brilliant observations. I look forward to reading more of your work.

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Powerful essay!

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Frustrating knowing that Coates has jumped on the Israel-bashing bandwagon just to make a buck and elevate his status among those who don’t know any better.

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One might wonder what would cause Coates, who asked a perceptive question on his feet and in real time, to turn away from historical facts and attach himself to a perversion of facts. Is it that the Critical Theory movement, and all of its subsidiaries such as anticolonialism, is so powerful that it could turn him away from the clear and obvious truth, a truth that he saw for himself? Or is it simply that he chose to pursue what the market was asking for?

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Perhaps all of the above.

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Coates is a long term antisemite raised and mentored by a prominent antisemite father. It is logical that he chose anti-Israel path.

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I noticed that the question he asked (as it was phrased) was also keenly centered on what is perceived by people (US population) rather than just truth and facts. I guess what I picked up on is people’s differing “emotional intelligence” skills: I would focus more on facts, evidence, and ultimately truth, more than how people perceive things. He spoke directly to “what do we counter this narrative with?”

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Coates is a nauseating piece of work, and not as bright as he imagines.

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the fact that Coates, Farrakhan, and West are featured prominently in US (government-run) mass media and US (government-run) academia does not speak well to regarding the objectives of US intelligence.

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Don’t blame the government for this problem. This is the people (and media.) I remember Farrakhan in college (late 80’s - early 90’s) as well as black militants and a Palestinian girl - all of whom said repugnant (Farrakhan) or insinuated repugnant things about Jews (and white people.) Not a single mention of slavery outside of US history.

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Jewhate is a top-down taught and promoted ideology. It is the US government that has been stabbing the Jews in the back for many years, coercing Jews to give land to genocidal antisemites. It does have many loyal minions though, that it promotes in *its* mass media, and unfortunately there are gullible regular people that find it alluring and join the movement. Very, very few regular people (no ties to government) have Jew issues.

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We appear to be mostly in agreement. I will only agree to disagree on one part: that (surprisingly to me) many people ‘secretly’ hate Jews, are ‘genuine’ openly antisemitic, (maybe also because they are Jealous of their success?), or because they are gullible ‘useful idiots’, as I have heard people recently comment. That many people means it is widespread throughout society- government, public, and private - sadly. So it wouldn’t be surprising to find it in so many institutions. I know I certainly wasn’t “taught that top-down” in school or by my parents. I understood that Israel/Jews are facing an existential threat. And the more I have learned about not just the Middle East, but Islamism, the more I have realized just how true and accurate that is.

As for our government policies, the people who have either misread or knowingly promoted a 2 state solution were (secretly or not) antisemites, practicing ‘political expediency’, or outright clueless and incompetent. 😔

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agents of the government proliferate all over social media. So when we're on x, youtube comments etc, it fools us into thinking that the Jewhate we see represents most people, but we are seeing the comments of people paid to promote an agenda. Sometime check out the work of Francisco Gil-White. IMO, he is the pioneer in getting at the root of the Jewhate, which goes back to ancient Roman times. The Torah is the law of the liberated slaves, the law that protects regular people from fascist tyranny. The fascist tyrants have always tried to teach regular people to hate this law and those that uphold it. Nothing much has changed over the millenia. Thus, our government academia promotes the lies of islam, which is an entirely anti civil rights agenda, as we would expect. The ancient Roman leaders were the fascist nazis of their time, and they tapped Catholicism as their 'preferred' and official version of Christianity, which is why we see the continued trend of the Vatican constantly allying with Islam. But most Catholics seem oblivious to all this. And regular Baptists/Protestants seem to not have this affinity for islamic oppression. Francisco has written much on the '2 state solution', which has always been a war waged by the US against Israel. But since Americans by and large support Israel, it must avoid mass riots and discord by waging this war in an 'acceptable' way.

Francisco has written and talked much about it. (and of course we're all aware that US leaders pad their wallets by supporting both sides of all kinds of global conflicts, but their domestic propaganda lets us know who they really love--islamic nazis). Trump has been the first president to push back against all this.

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Thank you for plainly setting out the truth of this wanton ignorance of convenience.

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Bravo. A brave article.

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Possible typo: commission: should it be spelled comission or co-mission? Commission is, for one example, a commissioned officer, whereas comission or co-mission is doing something one shouldn’t do with someone or something else. 🤔

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Thank you for this excellent essay (and links.)

I’m afraid I knew little of what you specifically mentioned. I’m learning. And I’m appalled at the behavior of the leaders of the black community to omit what they know of current slavery and to attack what you rightly called the only Jewish freedom movement (Zionism) with the oldest hatred, antisemitism. (I’m also appalled at the white community for falling for rubbish and antisemitism btw.)

I’m going to also ask you 2 questions that may be controversial (please forgive me, it’s an honest inquiry):

1.) Is the American black community jealous of Jews- the only “white” people to have such a grievous slave & discrimination history that matches (or exceeds) and ‘counters’ their black American experience? And yet in spite of that history, which includes the Nazis & holocaust in mid 20th century, the Jews seem to recover better than the black community (in the US) with more real pressures on them currently (esp. in Israel) than blacks (in the US)? Does that add to the notion of jealousy? [I’m excluding Africa and the Middle East from this question because they obviously, as you pointed out in your essay, are suffering tremendously currently (as well as historically.)]

2.) Isn’t this also a part of the US black community’s denial that Africans were a crucial part of the historic trans-Atlantic black African slave trade (w/ and without Islam, but especially with) and that slavery, in various forms, has been practiced throughout human history?

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Re number 1. It is not a fair comparison. The Israelites lived peacefully in Egypt for many generations. They had their families and social structures intact. If you believe the details of Exodus, the Israelites had their own dwellings, living among Egyptians. They had property. An Israelite could get an audience with pharaoh. The situation for African slaves in the US was radically different. Africans were kidnapped and torn from their families and communities, and brought to a foreign land with different customs and language. At best, they were treated as mere chattels. Families were separated. Slaves were kept illiterate. Mostly the conditions for African slaves in US were abhorrent. Not only that, but we Jews have had three thousand years to learn how to adapt to a world that hates us. Descendants of African slaves have had a mere 150 years, most of which time they were subjected to de jure and de facto segregation and second class status.

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I’m not sure I entirely agree with you, however I will take your comments into consideration. I was really addressing my questions to the author of this essay, and I would really prefer to hear his comments, thank you.

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